Goddess Warrior Sacred Tour Greece

Myth, Mystery & Magic

September 22 – October 4, 2024

An Amazing Tour of HerStory


Sacred Locations

By connecting to sacred locations around the world where the balance of Goddess and God was once revered, we fulfill our mission and promise to reunite and ignite the spirit within.



Goddess Warrior Sacred Tours are spiritual gatherings and pilgrimages to awaken, ignite and unite your true authentic self through initiation, prayer and traditional healing. They are a rite of passage, an inner quest, and an outdoor adventure of a lifetime.

Physical & Emotional Connections

It encourages you to mentally honor and validate our indigenous wisdom, emotionally connect to our ancestors and to our fellow pilgrims, and physically challenge the strength of our bodies through perseverance and courage.

Goddesses of Ancient Greece


Delve into the stories behind the myths, unravel the mysteries, and experience the magic of the divine feminine in ancient Greece.  Answer this call to re-awaken the divine feminine energies in the planet and within yourself!

The Goddesses of Ancient Greece sacred tour is an extraordinary opportunity to discover the magic and mystery of divine sacred sites. You will learn to use that knowledge and energy to reawaken and reconnect to your own Goddess Warrior on a deeper level than you have ever imagined.  Ancient Greece is a place that holds answers to questions and can help reveal your own unique and profound spiritual gifts.  Each one of the many sites and temples we will visit holds a unique story just for you. This adventure of a lifetime will challenge you to be open and receive those personal lessons and thus return home transformed and purified

A Sacred Tour & Outdoor Adventure

September 22 – October  4, 2024

Going Back In Time

Our unforgettable journey through time begins in Athens, named after the Goddess Athena who protects her. As we hike through the ancient city, we will introduce ourselves to the ancestors of Greece and continue up to the Acropolis, home of the ancient temple of Athena then Continuing on to Delphi, birthplace of Gaia (Mother Earth) and home of the Oracle. We will be empowered with a private lesson in nature-based divination.

Going back in time 3,000 years when the Matriarchy peacefully ruled ancient Greece, we will explore sacred sites over land and sea, hiking up hills, through temples, and to a gorge where we’ll swim in the sea and in deep caves that carry Mother Earth’s energy.  From there we will visit the sacred sites of Artemis and learn how the rise of a patriarchal society slowly changed the way we view the world, from goddesses to gods, from herstory to history, from Gaea to Gaia (Mother Earth). We will explore the Artemis culture, the connections of the Amazon Women Warriors in Peru and why and how they taught the Greek Goddesses their tactics.

Ceremony, Ritual & Dance

We will travel throughout history B.C, before Christ to pull forth HERSTORY the true stories when the Goddesses and their matriarchal system were living in balanced leadership.

I have researched the Goddesses around the world for over 30 years for my intensive work on women’s empowerment, psychology and health. Helping women to bring forth the Goddess Warrior within to claim their space, use their voice and assert their rights as did the women throughout history. Women around the globe were not told the real stories due to the partriarchal system ruled by men to control women.

Through ceremony, ritual, dance and song, we will honor the living breathing Gaea and forge a deeper connection with her rhythms of birth, life, death, and rebirth that are visible in everything. We will reclaim, restore and rejoice in our Goddess Warrior. Come reconnect with your intuitive and insightful inner Goddess and learn to balance your focused and disciplined inner warrior as you get acquainted with the Goddesses of Greece.

A Goddess Warrior Listens to Her Intuition and Is Brave Enough to Follow It

The Balance of the Goddess and Warrior “Sierra has seemingly interminable knowledge about how to help women “be women.” She herself is challenging, compassionate, and radiantly confident, a model of how to balance the Warrior and Goddess energies women have.” – Sharon M., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School executive coach for women

A Woman’s Power Strong & True “Sierra’s  words and presence lights up the room. Often I have reflected on your life story and how you found not just a way to forgive, but in that act of forgiveness a vehicle through which to share such grace and loving kindness with the world. And all from a place of power, a woman’s power, strong and true.” – Wade Davis, explorer-in-residence, National Geographic Society and best-selling author of One River and The Serpent and the Rainbow

What Does It Mean To GODDESS UP!

YOU unapologetically release what no longer serves you. YOU claim your space, use your voice and assert your rights. YOU embody beauty as an attitude, your essence glows, your presence is known. YOU are pure Love yet a force of nature to be reckoned with.

YOU are Wild & Free.

What Does It Mean To GODDESS UP!

YOU unapologetically release what no longer serves you. YOU claim your space, use your voice and assert your rights. YOU embody beauty as an attitude, your essence glows, your presence is known. YOU are pure Love yet a force of nature to be reckoned with.

YOU are Wild & Free.

What Does It Mean To GODDESS UP!

YOU unapologetically release what no longer serves you. YOU claim your space, use your voice and assert your rights. YOU embody beauty as an attitude, your essence glows, your presence is known. YOU are pure Love yet a force of nature to be reckoned with.

YOU are Wild & Free.

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