

Sierra is an entrepreneur, advocate, influencer, researcher, explorer, life transformer and best-selling author.

Sierra Bender has transformed and inspired the lives of over 5 million women and girls in less than 3 decades. She has been on the speaking circuit since 1996 to serve with compassion and fierceness. Her book, personal empowerment workshops, retreats and professional trainings have been featured around the globe, from the United States to Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, Romania, UK, Mexico, and South America. Ms. Bender’s insistence on integrity, humility, truth-telling and love–the full-capacity living her 4 Body Fit™EmpowerHERment Method embodies–sets her above the fray. These very attributes dictate the success of individual leaders and global organizations in any industry in our contemporary milieu.

Being an explorer is the embodiment of empowerment. As Napoleon said, Engage and see what happens. For over 25 years, Sierra has worked with indigenous populations exploring their cultures and approaches to medicine. After Sierra’s near-death experience, modern medicine saved her life but did not heal her. Working with tribes in United States and Peru, Sierra moves beyond theoretical knowledge, putting into practice answers that modern medical approaches tend to overlook. For Sierra, part of being an explorer is bringing to light women’s wisdom and power through the intergenerational transmission of knowledge to empower women in this age who are transforming everyone’s lives.

Her Courage is What Sets Her Apart

Sierra spearheaded the current trends in the self-help and wellness industries, and women’s empowerment as well as those in leadership development, coaching and organizational psychology with her clinically proven 4 Body Fit™ Sierra Bender EmpowerHERment Method. Her programs created the bench mark in leading institutions Kripalu Center and Omega Institute and universities amongst others. She was the first to address and define empowerment and the lack of it in the Women’s Empowerment and Women’s Health movement and identify personal is professional. Divided living splits individuals from the full-capacity of their potential, creativity, and contribution. While there is growing awareness around its inefficacy, this norm is still prevalent and dangerous. Learn More 

Sierra’s unique integrative programs offers women a blend of ancient and modern, spiritual and physical tools for strengthening themselves from the inside out. When women leave her workshops at Omega, their transformation is absolutely visible!” ~ Carla Goldstein, Director of the Women’s Leadership Center at the Omega Institute, NY


A game changer written on a sticky note

Woman Warrior on the Front Line


“Intelligence of Living Empowered”

Through her 4 Body Fit™ EmpowerHERment Method, Sierra Bender’s work is the intelligence of love, embodied. Her reach is deep, real, and professionally sound. It is also ahead of its time. Bender has been on the front-lines of the Women’s Empowerment and Women’s Health Movement. She was instrumental in calling attention to the need for it before it was a trend. She is now 30 years ahead of that trend, extending her work to transform the lives an equal amount of men. Bender’s Method has been applied to heal university cultures and to aid women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds to transform experiences of sexual abuse, assault, and into embodied courage, rooted purpose, and community service. Learn More 

Advocacy & Leadership The Future Is Now

As an advocate and leader Sierra Bender and her company are actively involved in making the world a better place. A few examples:


At the age of 32 Sierra Bender’s personal experience with a male doctor’s abuse of power led her to pioneer the passage of a New Jersey state law, in 1996, requiring a third party present for all doctor visits to protect and prevent unwarranted advances and sexual abuse on women and girls while under the care of a medical professional.


In 2005 Sierra Spirit, Inc. donated over $50,000 dollars in scholarships to prevent domestic violence in Puerto Rico by training and certifying women in the 4 Body Fit™  EmpowerHERment Method (SBEM), enabling these women to bring change to their communities.


Sierra and her team have taught and donated her 4 Body Fit™ EmpowerHERment Method (SBEM) programs to Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS) NYC, Youth Villages / Germaine Lawrence, MA, Heels to Heal, FL, Oasis Center, FL, Survivor’s Resource Inc., PA, Youth Consultation Service, NJ and many other influential organizations to empower women and girls.


The 4 Body Fit™ EmpowerHERment Method (SBEM) is being taught in universities, high schools, and mentoring programs across the United States, to help break the cycles of violence and disempowerment. Harvard University, Simmons College, Northeastern University, Stuyvesant High School, NYC and others.


Sierra and her team have taught and donated her 4 Body Fit™ EmpowerHERment Method (SBEM) programs to Girls Inc., Girl Scouts, Dress for Success, Working Women of Tampa Bay and many others.

Sierra Spirit, Inc. operates on the principle that when we give to those in need, we get back so much more.

We receive the gifts of gratitude, validation, and grace. Generosity always comes full circle. Because Sierra Spirit, Inc. has the power to raise awareness on many levels by helping practitioners grow and heal in body, mind and spirit, we believe it’s the perfect way to raise both awareness and funds for charities. That’s why we’re pleased to support a wide variety of fundraising events for your non-profit organization, including workshops, classes and seminars.

Let us make a difference. Find out how your organization can receive the many gifts of Sierra Spirit, Inc. Contact Us

Sierra’s Legacy

A woman with glasses smiling for the camera.
Laurie Levin, Director

You are a miracle worker! Outstanding role model, providing our girls with hope and inspiration. Your 4 Body Fit™ Empowerment Method program helps our children ease the pain of their difficult past and help them recover from the trauma. Also, thousands of dollars worth of supplies to update our facilities.

A woman with curly hair is smiling.
Elizabeth Cotton - Director, Pike Country, PA

“Your donation of the Day of Empowerment™ helped to make the day a safe and healing experience for our survivors. They walked away with amazing tools to feel and live empowered.”

Francis Preston, President BMI — CMT (Country Music Television)

” Your program was one of the highlights! It definitely added to the OVERALL ENJOYMENT of our guests, staff and celebrities in so many ways. “

David & Sheri Mount - CEO Warner Brothers Studio

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is richer by $350,000.00, thanks to you!  Your generous contribution of donating 4 Body Fit™ classes for the golfers and guests along with your Boot Camp for Goddesses® packages to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation amounted to $24,000.00.” 

Dr. Murphy, Vanderbilt Hospital Ingram Cancer Center, TN

“Members of our team are committed to working at learning more about your method and other healing techniques – for ourselves as well as our patients”. 

Denise Barack, Director of Program Development, Kripalu Center

“Sierra is a staunch and passionate advocate for women’s empowerment. She has lived through and triumphed over many of the issues that affect women today. She is a role model for those who want to embrace their challenges with strength and grace. She inspires us all.”

it’s the most powerful force in the universe
grounded by action and responsibility.”
Sierra Bender


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