Earth Day
Take Action. Be a part of the green revolution.
From Evolution. To Revolution.
#GoddessUp #GoddessToTheCore #GoddessWarrior #DramaTraumaFree2023 #4BodyFit

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22
There is no Plan(et) B.
Not that kind of Plan B. Earth is the only planet we have. This is Mother Earth! The one who nurtures us, gives us our Goddess energy. It is our responsibility to take care of her 365 days a year. And on Saturday, April 22, it is Mother Earth’s Day to be recognized.
This year we have been tasked to act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably! Since 1970, this day has honored Mother Earth by demonstrating support for environmental protection. This global initiative includes 1 billion activists and 193 countries. This year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” Check your local area for scheduled activities to participate in. There are hundreds of activities planned – and include the next generation!

Oops, mediocre men did it again.
How did we get here? The short answer – patriarchy! From the Greek: pater (father) + arché (rule). Men’s subordination of women. Man and nature are two things, and man is nature’s master.
Ecofeminism resulted from the third wave feminist movement with the term coined by “French feminist Francoise d’Eaubonne in 1974 and became a useful tool to assess interconnections between women’s oppression and the ecological crisis” (Eaton and Lorentzen 2003:1).
Ecofeminism is defined as “an intellectual and activist movement that makes critical connections between the domination of nature and the exploitation of women” (Eaton and Lorentzen 2003:1).

What happens when women come together?
Judith Lorber said, “…the presence of significant numbers of women can alter values and behavior because their ideas, their outlook, and their experiences are different from those of most men, almost to the point of giving women a different culture. Eco-feminism is a movement that applies maternal thinking and radical feminist ideas about the exploitation of women’s bodies to protecting the environment…The radical feminist praise of the qualities of women that derive from their nurturance and care of others, especially among those who speak of a woman’s culture, has also led to feminist religions and ethics, and to women’s health care movement.”
Helpful tips to make a lasting difference.

Raise Awareness to protect Mother Earth.
When we help Mother Earth, we help ourselves! Sustainability should be part of our every day vocabulary. Artemis is headed to the moon next year, but we have to stay grounded here on Mother Earth.
Make the 4 R’s part of your Goddess mantra:
We’ve all been doing our Spring cleaning. Read the labels on your cleaning products. Swap out harmful chemicals for environmentally friendly products. Conserve water – it’s vital to a healthy planet (capture rainwater!). Plant a tree in your backyard or check with a local park for permission. Dedicate the tree in honor of a Goddess.
How much junk mail do you get in your mailbox? Recycle it! How much junk mail to you get in your inbox? Unsubscribe to conserve energy. Give your car a break and ride your bike to work. Responsibly recycle your old electronics. Replace your light bulbs. When you head out to the grocery store or farmer’s market, don’t forget to bring your own bags!
GoddessUp! and get rid of the tampons and pads. Start using a menstrual cup, a reusable period product. Contact your local schools and donate so all girls can be empowered with their periods!
“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.” – The Lorax by Dr. Seuess
Goddess Up! Get Your Goddess flowing, growing and GLOWING! . – Sierra Bender
(Bender, Sierra. Goddess to the Core. Llewellyn Worldwide, 2009.)
“The 4 Body Fit™ Empowerment Method became my path and has remained my path.”~ Diane Whitney
Eaton, Heather and Lois Ann Lorentzen, eds. 2003. Ecofeminism and Globalization: Exploring Culture, Context, and Religion. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Lorber, Judith. 1998. Gender Inequality: Feminist Theories and Politics. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company.