“Once upon a time” is how I believed my life would begin. Why not? That’s what I read about and watched movies as a young girl. The handsome prince would save the beautiful girl and they would live happily ever after. The reality is, no one will save you from yourself but you.

I am a divorced woman raising three young girls. My fear has always been that I could not take care of myself let alone tend to and care for three children. How do I manage the long sleepless hours? How do I financially support us? Pay the bills? Put food on the table? Find a job that could provide all of this for us? Meet their emotional and financial needs by myself? The doubts and fears flood my thoughts and continue to instill fear that have become debilitating then paralyzing. The day came when I decided that the fear of being with the man that can and will or even has already destroyed us outweighed the fears I had of being a single Mother. It was a physically and emotionally difficult time including insecurities of myself and the capabilities of my character and strength to carry us.

When the thoughts became overwhelming I turned to my Sister who would begin to instill the truth of the personal work I was about to encounter. Her perspectives and enlightenment uplifted my purpose. She helped me to make sense of the reason why I chose this path without back tracking when it became too difficult to move forward. My unconscious decisions began to emerge as confident purposes with her explanations. As I confided in her I would gain strength and confidence in myself and the abilities that I could embrace to create the future of my reality.

Sympathy was definitely not something she felt or promoted. It was viewed as a root of pity and self-loath. If you feel it you embrace it and make change of it. That was her teachings. “Claim yourself and your space” that was her voice echoing and repeating to me at my time of feeling unsure or insecure. Be fierce yet gentle. You don’t need to be rough around the edges to make change or have others change for the positive in your presence. I will not allow negativity to penetrate my path of productivity that I have planned. To be a Goddess you need to be soft, loving, nurturing, empowering and in this journey and cycle become triumphant. My sister has taught me how to release my “Goddess Within.”